imagiLabs App and Educational Platform

Main Project Image
Main Project Image
Main Project Image

Empowering young women with the skills and confidence needed to shape the future

imagi is an award-winning startup based in Sweden, offering a fresh take on EdTech, gaming, and social impact. It empowers all kids to reimagine the future with technology. Their inclusive coding education tools for school and home are designed to increase engagement among girls and help close the gender gap in tech.

I had the chance to contribute to the imagiLabs mobile app that teaches Python - a programming language, and I've also contributed to the Shopify store and other Product Design aspects of the company.

UX Research Data Analysis

The research stages on the imagiLabs project were quite fun since the app has a Discord community, and involving users was more streamlined. The main areas of research included analyzing the weekly and monthly usage data, feature adoption, and activity from the Discord server, as well as having some discovery discussions and testing with the users.

Home Screen improvements

One of the first things I worked on was the Application Homepage. We started with the users' pain points gathered in user interviews about the overall homepage experience. We focused on improving the search functionality, browsing projects and finding a way so that users don't get overwhelmed when they view a project/code.

Starting from those points, we introduced Project categories, search suggestions & filters. The result was positive, as the new project categories/tags were working as a new point of interest and discovery. Another feature we introduced was the Infinite Scroll, making the browsing experience more frictionless.

To tackle users' overwhelming feelings when seeing a more complex project/code, we added a Difficulty Indicator. The indicator was a 3-star system (Adventurer, Challenger, Legendary) that is automatically added to each project/code. This way, users have a small clue about a project's difficulty but, at the same time, see their level when they code.


I've contributed to adding a space where users can track their progress in learning Python & programming concepts. Additionally, they can view code examples related to programming concepts. Under the Description section, the call to action incentivizes users to complete a Superpower.

Large Project Gallery Image #1
Large Project Gallery Image #1
Large Project Gallery Image #1
Large Project Gallery Image #2
Large Project Gallery Image #2
Large Project Gallery Image #2
Large Project Gallery Image #3
Large Project Gallery Image #3
Large Project Gallery Image #3

Project details view - redesign

We redesigned this view, making Try the Code & Preview more accessible. We also added a Difficulty indicator to ensure users aren’t overwhelmed when they see the code. I also worked on a Design Sketch feature allowing you to draw/plan on the matrix before writing any code.

  • The image featured in the carousel #1
  • The image featured in the carousel #2
  • The image featured in the carousel #3
  • The image featured in the carousel #4
  • The image featured in the carousel #1
  • The image featured in the carousel #2
  • The image featured in the carousel #3
  • The image featured in the carousel #4
  • The image featured in the carousel #1
  • The image featured in the carousel #2
  • The image featured in the carousel #3
  • The image featured in the carousel #4

© Mihai Ghenciu 2024

© Mihai Ghenciu 2024